A trip to the Norte Argentino
Why living winter when you have the chance to spend summer in the other hemisphere?! I feel quite lucky to be able to be for a couple of months in Argentina where part of my family live, before the kick off of the bike tour season in Tuscany next spring. Inside this stretch of time, I managed to travel to the north of the country almost to the border with Chile and Bolivia for a solid 3 weeks.
That, has been a great occasion to train at altitude (often above 2000m with peaks at 4200m) but also to discover places I never considered before. Tafi del Valle, Cafayate, Cachi, Purmamarca, Salta, all amazing locations that could become in the near future part of my offer for guided tours (feel free to get in touch if you would be interested on such a trip).
Again, having the opportunity to live my life in between two gorgeous countries such as Italy and Argentina with this variety of landscapes makes me feel very blessed by the Universe.
Here below only a selection of the thousands of photos I took while there. I hope you can, just by looking at them, feel part of my trip.